Keyword research is arguably one of the most important elements of SEO. Without it, your entire SEO effort will have no direction — effectively, you’ll be stumbling around in the dark.
So, what is it exactly?
Keyword research is the process of discovering the key terms and phrases related to your business that users type into search engines.
In other words, it’s figuring out how people will find you online.
Starting Your Keyword Research
Keyword research is a process that starts by getting to know your client’s (or your own) business.
You need to understand:
- What makes the business tick.
- Who the customers are.
- What those customers care about.
- How to align everything with the business’ goals.
This is where most in-house marketers fail – and honestly, a fair number of agencies as well.Yep, we know: keyword research is boring.
You probably don’t want to do it. You already know your business, why waste time on boring stuff?
Why not go straight for content creation or link building, you know, cause it’s fun, and has a more obvious tie to ROI? But that short cut can kill your entire SEO strategy.